Donnerstag, 8. September 2011

A Huge All Transforming Wave of Enlightenment - Erfahrungen im grundlegendsten Bewußtseinsfeld (Ritam bhara pragja) - 9

Full Moon 9th of September 2014 at Lago di Garda
On the 10th of September 2014 I wrote this to a well-known Indian Swami, who is a teacher of Transcendental Meditation and also a TM-Sidhi-Advisor:

Dear Swamiji,
I am in Italy right now for a short vacation and had no internet for 3 days. I am sending my best wishes to you for your birthday. Last night on the ninth of Sept. again i had a very special experience since
15 month on the Ritam level. I transcended very intensively. Immediatly after transcendence was realized, I received the information or could see, that a huge worldwide rising of a wave of enlightenment will come up within the next weeks or months. I do not know if it refers to me personally and actually i do not care about it, but it will change the world dramatically on a level that cannot be seen with the eyes. It will be the first of many more such waves... I dedicate this viewed truth to all people, my friends and family, but you are the first one I am telling it. So this is my birthday gift for you

Jai Guru Dev

A few days later I commented on this experiece to colleague of mine, K.T., but it is written in German and not translated yet (please use the Google translator until I have translated it):

...Es war zu "sehen", dass diese Welle der Erleuchtung mächtig, riesig hoch, unüberwindbar und weltumspannend ist, wie ein ungeheurer Tsunami. Trotzdem geschieht diese Erleuchtung ganz im Stillen und ist nach außen sehr unspektakulär. Sie betrifft jetzt all jene Menschen/Seelen, die in dieser Zeit am meisten fortgeschritten sind, aber
die Erleuchtung bisher nicht vollendet hatten. Ich selbst habe mich von der Transformation zur Erleuchtung nicht direkt betroffen gesehen (aber schließe auch nichts aus). Der Zeitrahmen fühlte sich an, wie: " Jetzt, unmittelbar bevorstehend, in einigen Wochen, Monaten, maximal innerhalb des restlichen Jahres"
Auch wenn die Erleuchtung bei sehr vielen hochentwickelten Menschen - gefühlt zig- oder hunderttausende - jetzt vollendet wird,
wird der Prozess nicht von außen initiiert, sondern kommt von innen aus den feinsten, göttlichen Ebenen des universellen Bewusstseinsfeldes.
Es ist die erste von weiter folgenden Wellen. Sie wird alles Geschehen auf der Erde sehr viel sanfter und friedvoller werden lassen und den Weg frei machen, für weitere, danach kommende Erleuchtungsschübe oder Wellen mit noch weit mehr Menschen.
Was das im Detail für das praktische Leben der 7,25 Milliarden Menschen bedeutet, konnte ich allerdings nicht sehen.

... You could "see" and it was "visible" that this wave of enlightenment is extremly powerful, enormously high, insurmountable and invincible and of a global nature like an enormous tsunami. Nevertheless, this enlightenment happens very quietly and is very unspectacular in the outward world.

It relates now to all those people/souls who are most advanced spiritually and concerning their consciuosness in the present time, but have not completed full Awakening and Enlightenment yet. 

Regarding myself I have not seen myself directly involved and affected in this present process of transformation to enlightenment (but also do not exclude anything). The time range within this important event occurs seemed to be "Now, imminent, in a few weeks, months, maximum within the rest of the year"
Even if enlightenment for very many
- apparently tens or hundreds of thousands - highly developed people is now completed, the process is not initiated from the outside world, but comes from deep within, from the finest divine levels of the universal field of consciousness.

It is the first of many more following waves. They will transform everything into a
more gentle and peaceful  way of living, and will open the gates and clear the way for more coming waves of enlightenment for far more people.

What this means in detail for the practical life of 7.31 billion people, I could not see in this ritam experience (please excuse my faulty translation)...

Jai Guru Dev

Topmeldung zur Transformation der globalen Gesellschaft auf der TM-Lehrerkonferenz Juni 2018

Experiences and statemenst of awakend people

Post Scriptum:
Wenige Tage später nach dieser Erfahrung, die ich über die bevorstehende Welle an Erleuchtung machen durfte, kam diese mich sehr hoffnungsvoll machende Nachricht über alle unsere Informationskanäle - die Ausbildung von weiteren 50.000 Sidhas unter den südamerikanischen Schülern
in den Ländern Mexiko,
Peru, Bolivien, Ecuador, Kolumbien and Brasilien wurde gerade begonnen:

Maharishi Global Family Chat Banner
Maharishi’s Global Family Chat
16 September 2014
Video archives |Summary Online
Initiative to Create 50,000 New Yogic Flyers
in Three Months
Raja Luis is leading the way in Latin America with a historic initiative to create a lasting influence of global peace within 3 months.
Fifty thousand new Yogic Flyers will be trained on the basis of the almost thirty thousand that have already been trained over the past seven years. The difference will be that the new fifty thousand will generate a more stable influence of harmony; they will all be in schools and colleges that will continue collective practice on a permanent basis, and six countries will be included so that when one country has holidays, others will continue to provide strong coherence.
Oaxaca will be the main focus with 24,000 new Flyers on the strong foundation of 10,000 already trained. The other 25,000 new Flyers will be split between Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia and Brazil.

The initiative has a comprehensive design covering all areas:
• Two periods of Transcendental Meditation and Yogic Flying per day in school
• School teachers in each school will be trained as Transcendental Meditation teachers
• Consciousness-based Education knowledge will be gradually introduced into the curriculum
• Scientific research will be conducted to evaluate the effects of the programme in all areas.
Fying hall
Everyone is warmly invited to associate his or her family with this historic initiative for world peace by contributing in whatever way is comfortable. The tiny cost of maintaining one student per month doing Transcendental Meditation or Yogic Flying is only US$1, or better $2, so everyone can have fun and join. There will be regular updates and progress reports to keep us all informed as the project unfolds.

Let’s all gather 1 or 2 friends and sponsor 10, 20, 100, or 1000 students for the next three months, until the end of December.
Tax-deductible donations can be made at
Enquiries to
Jai Guru Dev

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Die Vedischen Techniken des universellen Bewusstseinsfeldes gehören als Kulturtechnik - Herstellung von Kohärenz, Ordnung, Friedfertigkeit und Kreativität - genau so wie das Lesen, Schreiben und Rechnen als Grundausbildung in alle Schulen und Uiversitäten.

Exciting News from South-America, presented by Raja Luis on 9th of June and 16th of June 2015

Visible and audible signs of change in world consciousness

A small step for Narendra Modi-ji at United Nations assembly
, but a giant step for mankind! The World is looking forward to more steps of evolution into the direction of a peaceful, fair & righteous and spiritual golden age by this great leader of Bharat and the World.

40.000 Yogis are practicing yoga asanas, pranayama and dhyana (meditation) at Rajpath, Delhi together with their Primeminister Narendra Modi on 21st of June, 2015 - First International Yoga Day

PM Modi at International Day of Yoga event at Rajpath, Delhi

Amazing photos show millions taking part in International Day of Yoga AYUSH Common Yoga Protocol GERMAN Subtitles